
What is the unique players setting in the lineup optimizer?

The Unique Players setting allows you to determine how many distinct players should be included in each lineup within your set of generated lineups. This feature is essential for adding diversity to your lineups, ensuring they aren’t too similar and giving you more varied strategies.

How It Works:

Default Setting (1 Unique Player):

• By default, setting this to 1 means that each lineup in your set will have at least 1 player that is different from all the other lineups. This helps prevent your lineups from being identical.

Increasing Unique Players:

• If you increase the number of unique players, each lineup will include more players who are different from those in other lineups in your set. For example, setting it to 3 unique players means that each lineup will have at least 3 different players compared to the others.

Why It Matters:

Getting Different:

• The higher the number of unique players you set, the more diverse your lineups become. This is particularly useful when you’re aiming to differentiate your lineups from the competition, especially in large tournaments where uniqueness can be key to success.

Balancing Diversity and Optimality:

• Keep in mind that while increasing the number of unique players boosts lineup diversity, it also moves your lineups further from the optimal combination, which could reduce their overall projected score. Striking the right balance is important for maximizing both potential and differentiation.

Using the Unique Players setting strategically allows you to craft a lineup portfolio that balances risk, differentiation, and potential reward.

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